The Envelop Project And It’s Functionalities
For starters, it's quiet cumbersome to choose different investment strategies and also to make good decisions in regards to what to invest on. most atimes, this is tasking and it takes alot of effort and hard work to get to understand this portfolios. Sometimes when your targets shoot-up we tend to be in the pursuit trying to meet up with the rise and cut the fall which will mostly, lead to a final loss. To be able to understand it's functionality we must first of all have a clear understanding of what the Envelop project is ... this brings us to the Question of what is the Envelop??
The Envelop is a flexible cross-chain toolset that provides any NFT with new functionality (economic set-up, royalties on the chain, rental mechanism, time/value/event blocking), scoring and protecting system from fraud, refilling deep vaults with transaction fees, or adding temporary time locks to stored assets.
The Envelop is a Cross-chain protocol which gives true value to your NFT
Now, what is a cross-chain ???
Cross-Chain is an Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) which provides a universal, open standard for developers to build secure services and applications that can send messages, transfer tokens, and initiate actions across multiple networks.
The Envelop Cross-chain technology aims to solve this problem by adding interoperability between different blockchains. It means they will all be able to communicate with each other and share data.
One of The most popular NFT projects today is the Envelop project because of it's strong focus on utility, because many collectors look for the extra value and opportunities for engagement that it provides.
Many creators reward the buyers of their first NFT collections by sending them free NFTs or merchandise later on. This, in turn, makes the NFT more valuable because buyers are receiving multiple products with a single purchase. The Envelop protocol adds real value to your assets .. It wrapps collateral, distributes royalties, adds value from transactions to the wrapped collateral..
One significant hiccup with most NFT projects, Is that they are usually minted and developed on one or two blockchains at the most. This approach has led to several constraints such as a lack of interoperability--the sharing and access of data between two networks. Fortunately, these issues can be resolved through the use of the Envelop protocol because it allows you Securely access all NFT markets in one place. The Envelop platform can help nurture innovations and remove restrictions in the NFT space that have hindered the trade of digital assets so far through the Cross chain feature of the Envelop project which allows you tokenize any physical or digital object as well as financial assets and trade them regardless of the blockchain...
There are three main project parts:
● protocol
1] Protocol to add the digital assets inside NFTs and set on-chain royalties;
2] Oracle to score the collateral and assess the quality of assets inside NFTs;
3] Index to hedge the position to whole NFT market — The Envelop becomes one of the first decentralized and collateralized simultaneously market indices for NFT and related assets (synthetic, among others) and monitors the market activity from different sources, providing an objective picture of the market in real time...
You can Securely access all NFT markets in one place with the ENVELOP app..
visit for more details ENVELOP (NIFTSY)